Adjustable straw fedora hat for men with versatile design for all occasions -THE FLAMEKEEPERS HAT CLUB TAMBEROS LECHE DUO STRAW HAT

Size Small Medium Large XL XXL

Imagine being on a cruising catamarantropical drinks on the deck, white sandclear blue water, and docking at a marina ready to have a night that you and your squad will never forget. the FlameKeepers Hat Club's Tamberos Leche Duo will make you feel this way every time that you wear it, wherever you are.

the FKHC Tamberos Leche Duo straw hat has a 2 5/8" (wide) brim with a frayed edge and is available in sizes Medium/M, Large/L, Extra Large/XL and 2XL/XXL

The color of this hat is black and natural and it is trimmed with a striped hatband.

- 2 5/8" (Wide) Brim with frayed edge

- Center Crease, Pinched Front

-Looks great on Men and Women